Recently crowned Miss Universe, Zozibini Tunzi’s fake Twitter account is gaining the momentum. Joined in May 2019, the fake account @ZozibiniTunzi has close to 10k followers and counting. And once again she has been dragged as being not the most beautiful woman in the Universe and compared to Miss Sweden.
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Various people on Twitter have tried to report the fake account but it still exists on the platform – hopefully, with time Miss SA and Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi will be officially verified and that account will cease to exist.
On the other news, Miss Universe has been dragged and compared with Miss Sweden.
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“À gauche, miss Afrique du Sud élue #MissUniverse2019. À droite, miss Suède éliminée pour lui laisser la place. Laquelle des deux est la plus belle sans idéologie, selon vous?” questioned a user by the name 0f @Damocles_Fr.
Translation from French: “On the left, Miss South Africa elected #MissUniverse2019. On the right, Miss Sweden eliminated to give him the place. Which of the two is the most beautiful without ideology, according to you?”
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A certain Facebook user by the name of Jaco Pretorius, who still has a picture of the old South African flag on his Facebook said that “They felt sorry for her (Zozibini Tunzi), definitely not the most beautiful woman in the Universe.”
However, Zozibini Tunzi had this to say about her crowning, “Tonight a door was opened and I could not be more grateful to have been the one to have walked through it. May every little girl who witnessed this moment forever believe in the power of her dreams and may they see their faces reflected in mine. I proudly state my name Zozibini Tunzi, Miss Universe 2019!”
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