Upon his return J Molly has been more transparent with his fans about his life. He was on a heavy journey with depression. His Album Almost Dead expresses this journey.
He just returned to Instagram and made a few posts. The one that stood out to us, he said. “To whom it may concern Life has become very confusing for me. More and more each day. The deeper I searched the more lost I felt. Many have wondered why I have been away for so long.
“I have alway felt depressed at the door. Letting itself in and out since I was a child. Manifesting itself in different ways, from sadness to anger to extreme violence. Feeling my highs to the extreme and my lowers to the extreme. My best friend and worst enemy. Life had gotten too overwhelming for me. And I had decided to take a break to recollect myself and deal with everything properly” J Molly explained.
READ HERE- J Molly Is Coming Back!
He further outlined how he had to break the cycle of depression. J had to confront his demons in making the album in hopes to help others who are going through similar experiences. He says “This project was not meant to be the next step in my career.” further explaining that he feels entitled to giving his core ride or dies the full depth of his journey.
This Album should be one dear to the heart. The story of the boy’s survival! It will be dropping on the 11th of March. Till then all we have is a snippet of the song Up To and we definitely can’t wait for the rest!