Cindy Mahlangu shook social media when she posted a picture with a baby in her arms. This comes after unconfirmed rumours that she was pregnant. The actress had been on a social media hiatus but returned with a picture that her followers might not have expected. In the image, Cindy can be seen holding a baby while a tatted hand takes the picture in the elevator mirror.
Many social media users speculate that the tatted hand is of former Sundowns footballer Bongani Zungu. Mahlangu and Zungu confirmed their relationship in August of 2021. This was after a video of the pair kissing had gone viral. Zungu and Mahlangu are rumoured to have been dating since June of 2020. This caused many to speculate that Bongani is Cindy’s baby daddy.
Social media users have pointed out that the rose tattoo on Bongani Zungu’s left hand matches the one in the image. Bongani has also been spotted in Cindy’s comments showing love to his girlfriend. A recent comment by the soccer player reads: “Beautiful best mom” possibly confirming that the pair indeed share a child.
Mahlangu also took to her Instagram last month to wish Bongani Zungu a happy Father’s Day. This fuelled speculation that the couple have welcomed a baby together. Zungu has neither confirmed nor denied becoming a parent. It is also unknown whether the international soccer star is indeed Mahlangu’s baby daddy, but neither have denied the claims.
The couple has been very mum about the baby possibly because of Zungu’s reputation with the ladies. Bongani Zungu who is no stranger to controversy, has been dubbed a serial cheater. This is following his messy break-up from ex-fiance Khanyi Cele in 2019. A photo of Zungu had recently surfaced showing him kissing a woman at a party while rumoured to be dating Cindy. The unknown female had posted the image with the caption “heavy couple man” on Snapchat. This caused many to believe the soccer star had reverted to his old ways. A Twitter user even commented: “… Lol eh bann wait this guy is cheating on Cindy wid this tractor.??”
Bongani Zungu struggling with game time but still breaks the Covid-19 rules and goes partying smh. His time at Rangers will soon come to an end.
— Gugulethu Mntambo (@fozagugulethu) February 18, 2021