Recently Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha tied the knot and even brought a precious gift to the world, a little baby. The couple is well known in the industry and could potentially build an empire as a power couple. Instead we see them trending for the wrong reasons continually.
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Chris Excel made a tweet saying “Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha could’ve been easily powerful like Shona and Connie or even Zakes Bantwini and Nandie.” Instead the couple is always trending for the wrong reasons.
Babes was on live bashing her mother in law. This was a retaliation, as her mother in law has also spoken ill of Babes on the media. Although many people are saying regardless of what Mampintsha’s mom did or said, Babes is still in the wrong for swearing her mother in law on Instagram live.
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What Fans Have To Say
A fan tweeted “Bro it’s so sad when the people who we supposed to look up to turns to be the bad example.” Some say as much as it is common that abomamazala and abomakoti don’t get along, uBabes went way too far on her live. This is because according to a fan “there’s a lot of ladies who feel the same for their mothers in law, difference is, they express their anger to us (close friends) and not on insta lives.”
As much as Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha relationship give us content that makes us laugh
It's really sad to watch such a talent couple that could've easily built such a powerful empire in the industry
Instead they always trending for wrong reasons every month. 🥺
— ChrisExcel (@ChrisExcel102) December 9, 2021
Judging by how the fans have reacted, it seems babes may potentially need to apologize. Many people seem quite disappointed in her and say that she is not turning out to be a good role model. She can still make it up to her fans in the future. Let’s just hope from 2022 the couple work on building a good reputation for themselves. And become the power couple we know they can be.