STV Drama ‘Ayeye’ follows the lives of three friends who shared an apartment at Maboneng. Working at an advertising company. The drama showcases love, fear, and heartaches of these individuals.
The drama premiered back in 2014 and since then it had only one season. Many South Africans have been eager for the drama to make its return. As many felt like the drama was relatable as it navigates adulthood.
In 2018 actor Thapelo Mokoena one of the main leads in the drama confirmed to Sowetan that the TV series would not come back for a second season despite the series doing well in its first season.
Thapelo told Sowetan, “Ayeye officially as I heard recently, it’s not going happen. It’s a wrap on Ayeye. Definitely sounds like it’s not going to happen. I haven’t though about it, but it’s been a week since we found out that it’s not going to happen”.
Furthermore, the actor mentions that some things need to be let go. As he made an example with the series ‘Yizo Yizo’. “Like Yizo Yizo, we needed another Yizo Yizo, and it was great. But not every show is going to be like that”.
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The loved drama returns to South Africans screens for a second season. Also, it is said that it is coming with a new storyline. The series tells the story of a rich stay-at-home mom, Zoleka, played by actress Rosemary Zimu. Who becomes an adult content creator to keep up and maintain her luxurious lifestyle. After the father of her baby dies and his family takes everything.
Seriti film that produced Gomora, The Herd, and The Imposter will be producing the series and it will be a 13-part series.
In a statement, Director of Local Entertainment Channels at M-Net, Shirley Adonisi said, “As a channel, we’re adaptable and ahead of the curve, which is why we’re embracing the anthology format for some of our shows.
The first season of Ayeye gave viewers plenty to talk about, and this new season is just as topical”.
It is said that Ayeye: Stripped will air on Mzansi Magic DStv Channel 161 starting 5 August at 20h00.