Earlier this year, South African television and radio personality Carol Ofori announced that she is adding published author to her already extensive resume after writing a series of six children’s books titled ‘The African Adventures of Sena and Katlego’. Ahead of the book’s official release next month. Carol opens up on how the series came to life. What inspired the books and the importance of telling African stories.
What do you hope both children and parents take away from this book series?
I really hope that all those who read this series take away a true love for Africa and being African. I would love to see Africans proud of their diversity and working together to be the powerful continent that I know we are. I want African children to know more about the continent that they were born in and be proud of it.
How did the idea about this book series come about?
The idea for this series was inspired by the lack of books that speak to African children. I struggled to find books that told my kids more about the continent they were born on. And all the exciting and fun things to do and visit here. I wanted my kids to be proud of their heritage and stand tall knowing exactly who they are. This made it important for me to see more books on the shelves that represent the children on this continent – and I did something about it! Literature is forever, always.
What inspired the characters we meet in the book?
Sena was inspired by my son and the rest of the characters were a result of my imagination simply running wild. I did research on what the most common names were in the country Sena was visiting in that book and that’s how I came up with the names of the characters Sena meets. I also wanted a healthy split of male and female and uncles and aunties. Grandad had to be in Ghana and, coincidently, he has since moved there so that just adds a cherry on top.
What advice do you have for budding authors?
Ink all your thoughts and have fun when doing it. Also, all will happen in the right time. God’s timing really is the best timing. I was clearly not ready four years ago and look at me now! I am totally ready and Jesus is definitely taking the wheel. I feel so blessed and I encourage you to chase your dreams. I am a mom of two that will never stop dreaming and working hard to see those dreams come true.